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AlpacaHack Performance Test 1

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AlpacaHack Performance Test 1

A CTF to test performance before the first round of AlpacaHack


2024.08.11 (Sun) 03:00 - 09:00 UTC

CTF is over!




Welcome to AlpacaHack Performance Test 1!

AlpacaHack is a new platform that host individual CTF competitions. Prior to our first CTF, AlpacaHack Round 1, we are conducting a test CTF to check the performance of our system.

This CTF includes eight challenges in Pwn and Crypto that were originally presented at RTACTF 2023. RTACTF 2023 was organized by xrekkusu and the challenges were created by ptr-yudai. If you haven't tried these challenges yet, this is the perfect opportunity!

Original Introduction

RTACTFでは、CTFのトッププレイヤーが1vs1形式で問題を解く速さを競います。 YouTubeでは解いている様子を配信するほか、皆さんも一緒に参加して速度を競えます。 CTFを見て、解いて、楽しんでください!


How to Participate

  1. Sign up as a user of AlpacaHack by clicking the 'Sign Up' button at the top right.
  2. After signing up, register for participation by clicking the 'Register' button on this page.

Important Notes

  • Since AlpacaHack is an individual competition CTF platform, team registrations are prohibited.
  • The challenges will be assigned points based on dynamic scoring.
  • All announcements will be made on the AlpacaHack Discord server. Please make sure to join.
    • While we will also notify you of updates on this web service, the Discord server is our primary communication channel.
    • If you encounter any issues, you can ask questions or report them in the #ticket channel. Please note that hints for the challenges will not be provided.
  • While this CTF is meant as a performance test, please do not attack the competition system itself. However, we welcome reports of any bugs you might unexpectedly encounter.